Doug Byl, Facilities Team Lead

Sara Collins, Wedding Coordinator

Carol Couwenhoven, Prayer Coordinator

Amy Marsh, Custodian

Harriet Potoka, Safe Church Coordinator


Kevin Soodsma

Director Of Worship & Music

Kevin Soodsma

My wife, Amy, and I have been privileged to be a part of this congregation since November of 2006. I am the organist, worship team coordinator, choir director, and I work with all worship arts, worship technology, and musicians at Beckwith Hills. We welcome anyone who sings or plays music, dances, technology, or loves visual arts to join us as we sing and make music before the Lord.

Want to know more? Let’s setup a time to chat over coffee, lunch, or online. If there isn’t a time that works for you, send me an email. (CLICK HERE FOR AVAILABLE TIMES).

Go To Our Worship & Music Ministries page to know more! WORSHIP MINISTRIES!

Stan Sturing, Interim Pastor

Youth Ministries

Ministry Leaders

Education Team: Harriet Potoka

Hospitality: Sara Veen

JOY Club Senior Ministry: Harriet Potoka

Missions Team: Jerry Blom

Safe Church Ministries: Harriet Potoka

Sunday Morning Bible Study: Gene & Harriet Potoka

Worship Technology: Kevin Soodsma

Women’s Bible Study: Carol Buist 


Jerry Blom, President

Sharon Boersma

Wayne Couwenhoven

Sue Vanderveen

Larry VanKirk

Greg Dykema


Todd VandenAkker, Chair of Deacons

Sara Koster

Sara Veen

Gene Potoka